Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. -- Mary Kay Ash
Achievement, really isn't that what we are all here for? Sometimes it's about the smallest of achievements. Sometimes it's the great achievements which happen a single small step at a time. It's the 50 pound weight loss that happens four and six ounces at a time. It's the novel that happens one chapter, or one page at a time. It's the student who struggles and finally achieves a C, hard earned and well deserved.
There are times in our lives when it's still about achievement, but not our own. We relish the achievements of a spouse, child or another family member. It's may be difficult to celebrate the achievements of our coworkers or friends. Does it come from a place of lack of support from those around us? Or jealousy? It's one thing to want to have the achievements, others are doing. We often don't see the hard work, which comes before the "sudden" achievement. Are you willing to put forth the same effort or even more to achieve those very same things? Achievements are much more valuable when you believe you can achieve and then do the hard work. What dream are you willing to work that hard for?
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