In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. - Nikos Kazantzakis
Success! Dreams and goals aren't going to reach themselves, I've talked about the what it takes to believe in reach those dreams and goals. You do have to know what success looks like to you in order to reach it. What does success look like for you? For many success means money, the right "things", status symbols of one kind or another. Success for me is about happiness. peace, security, the journey of living out my dreams. It means having friends and cheering them on as they find their success as well. Success looks different for everyone. You can't be successful unless you already know what that is going to look like for you. Then you can move on to the believing. Kazantzakis is right, you will never succeed unless you absolutely believe you can. It is so much easier to sit back and complain, instead of stepping up and working toward creating an amazing successful future, but success is definitely worth the effort.
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