Believe 2015

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Losing Winning and More

OK, so I totally lost the blogging every day for 31 days.  I didn't plan.  I didn't even know about the challenge until about a day or two before hand.  I tried.  I did OK, for a little while, but not long enough.  Was it worth it?  Absolutely.  It made me continue to write.  Was it good?  Probably not, but that's OK, that's what re-writes are for.  Next year more planning.  I will succeed.  I want  to win.

It did help me become a winner on the next month's challenge.  As of yesterday I had written 50526 words in the month of November which I wanted far more than the 31 day blog.  I just won the National Novel Writing Month! Are all of those words good?  Is the story perfect?  Absolutely not!  I am sure there are great parts of it which are atrocious.  I'm OK with that.  That's what the re-write, the editing, the proof reading is all about.  I'll start that in January.

For now, I am just content to be able to set and achieve goals.  I have set myself up for success by building a new habit.  I have been able to build a bike riding habit during the winter and spring.  Now I am doing the same with the writing, and combining them. Can I keep both going?  I don't know yet, but even if I lose, it will have been worth the attempt.

Losing leads to winning, over time.