Believe 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Dreams - Believe!

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. - Gail Devers

One step in the direction of your dream can start that journey. Believe! in your dreams.
Dreams have power.  Even more important your dreams have an incredible amount of power, to you, to those around you, and to those who follow in your footsteps.  My friend, Kevin Buchanan over at Living Out My Journey in his videos on Your Morning Hustle talks about the Butterfly Effect.  That is what you do makes a difference.  Living out your dreams makes a different not just to you and your family, but to your community and the world around you.

First you owe it to yourself.  We are supposed to be true to ourselves and to our purpose.  Next and a distant second, for every step you take toward living your dreams you are helping those around you.  There are also those who want to do ministry.  If you write, you may be writing for them.  If you are an artist, you may be able to do artwork for that ministry.  If you are an actor, you may be acting to help a ministry.  Just the pursuit of a dream is inspiriting to all those other people who are also pursing a dream, whether it's the same dream or a different dream.  Pursing a dream challenges and inspires those around you.  Stand up for someone else, or someone else's dream.  It empowers them and empowers you because you believe you have power to help someone else.  

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