Believe 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year - Believe!

Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing. Believe in yourself. And believe that there is a loving Source - a Sower of Dreams - just waiting to be asked to help you make your dreams come true.  - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Today is the first.  New Year.  New faith.  New beginnings.  New dreams.  New goals.  Time to Hustle according to Jon Acuff.

It is the New Year.  Many people make New Year's Resolutions.  I'm not sure about the idea that we can at the stroke of midnight, we can totally change our lives for the better.    I have spent the last six months regularly meeting and encouraging and being encouraged in an online group of people.  Each who are working to better their lives in both small ways and large ways every single day.  We meet online every day.  That's what it takes to make a New Year's Resolution really work.  Meeting every day.  Encouraging each other every day.

We live all over the United States and all over the world.  We are all striving for different goals. Each person has their own hustle.  The thing that seems to matter the most is that we are all working to make ourselves, our lives and our world a better place.  We laugh together.  Cry together.  Pat each other on the back.  Give advice.  Hold each other accountable, sometimes with a bit of encouragement; other times by lacing up the combat boots and giving a good swift kick to the seat. We notice and check when people go missing for a day or two, or check in late, because they have overslept.  We matter to each other.  We send each other old fashioned paper letters of encouragement, have online video work sessions and some of us have even met in person.

In the last few days, several people have talked less about resolutions and more about living with one word, or setting goals.  I have done both.  My word came to me in late October.  I am going to Believe! this year.  Ultimately, we Believe! We Believe! in each other.  We Believe! in our dreams enough to regularly work to make our dreams come true.

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